microhive.social is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Site description
As you have probably already guessed: this is just another personal fediverse instance.
Admin account

Search results for tag #snac

sergiodj »

Since no bugs or complaints were received regarding that latest upload to unstable, I went ahead and uploaded it to bookwom-backports as well. Have fun!

    Gonzalo Nemmi »

    Jajajajajajajajaja 😂🤣

    Pero es que es verdad!. andará muy lindo desde tal o cual aplicación en Android o iOS .. pero en cuanto abrís un perfil en el navegador del móvil: se arrastra!.

    Es increíble la cantidad de porquería que tiene que cargar el navegador para poder acceder al contenido en ActivityPub mientras que logra lo mismo con un uso mínimo de recursos! Sin cookies, sin JavaScript, sin estupideces .. solo una implementación sensata y buen código!

    Gracias @grunfink@comam.es 🤗

      Gonzalo Nemmi »

      Cuánto más uso más patente se me hace lo insufrible que resulta usar la interfaz web de desde el móvil. Algo tan simple como ver un perfil hace que el navegador se arrastre!

      Que deleite poder usar !

        The Real Grunfink »

        Oh. Thanks for elaborating on this, I had no idea. I seem to recall having used hard links on an sshfs, but my memory is faulty and maybe I'm mistaken.

        So, please everyone, don't use on an sshfs mount.

        CC: @giacomo@snac.tesio.it @khm@hj.9fs.net @Velveteen@labyrinth.zone

          The Real Grunfink »

          Hard links do work in an sshfs-mounted filesystem (not that I've tested inside one).

          CC: @giacomo@snac.tesio.it @khm@hj.9fs.net @Velveteen@labyrinth.zone

            rl_dane »

            I'm confused... why are some replies showing up as boosts from a "fedi-relay" account?

              Paul Wilde 😺 (snac2 acct) »

              Yay! Join the side of the fediverse!

                gyptazy »

                The is growing and we're welcoming more and more new single user instances but can become challenging.

                With instances, single user and smaller instances can quickly become federated and grow which is supported by many Fediverse applications like etc.

                More information at:

                  The Real Grunfink »

                  Hi, author here. The server only exits cleanly (i.e. showing the "httpd stop..." log message) if it receives a TERM or INT signal. Do you have something like a monitoring program that may be interrupting it on some condition, like using more memory that expected or something like that?

                  You can also increase the logging level to 2, it may tell something more.

                  CC: @stefano@bsd.cafe

                    Red Rozenglass »

                    Added browser caching over my instance, for better user experience with all the files being proxied from other instances. Apache configs (requires enabling mod_headers if you don't have it already):

                        <If "%{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/[^/]+/(s|x|y)/.+$# || %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^.*\.ico$#">
                    Header set Cache-Control "max-age=172800, public, immutable, must-revalidate"
                    The last .ico part is not necessarily snac related obviously :3

                      Paul Wilde 😺 (snac2 acct) »

                      @daftaupe@snac.toret.fr @ploum@mamot.fr hello fellow on single user instance!
                      No raspberry pi for mine though, running as a Jail on a NUC

                        Pierre-Alain TORET »

                        I'm using on a powered 4 along with other services of mine that I . So far it's only me on the instance. Maybe my wife will join later, who knows...

                          The Real Grunfink »

                          In fact, @voron@no.run.place is one of the responsibles of looking beautiful and professional due to their awesome CSS themes.

                          CC: @ploum@mamot.fr

                            /dev/fd0 »


                            i am also using it

                              Ворон »

                              I also use and I really like it. 🙋

                              By the way, according to FediList, there are 226 Instances in the fediverse!

                                The Real Grunfink »

                                I'm not taking a break from , where did you hear it?

                                I'll take a look at your patch. Thanks!

                                  ティージェーグレェ »

                                  I submitted a Pull Request to update MacPorts' snac to 2.74 here:


                                  3/3 of GitHub Continuous Integration checks completed successfully!

                                  Thanks to you (and gnemmi, pmjv, daltux, inz, Popolon, sn4il, mistivia, zen, Menel, uhuru, anzu, violette, and rozenglass; hopefully I didn't miss anyone?) for the continued improvements!

                                  As with previous PRs I have submitted, I am abstaining from commit access until I have less chaos in my life to be able to take on more responsibilities, so it's up to someone else to merge it.

                                    0 ★ 0 ↺

                                    Oliver⚡ »

                                    I've just updated my instance to version 2.74 👍 🎉

                                      Oliver⚡ boosted

                                      The Real Grunfink »

                                      I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.74 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes a lot of web UI translations by lovely people and a bit of minor tweaks and fixes:

                                      Added Spanish (default, Argentina and Uruguay) translation (contributed by gnemmi).

                                      Added Czech translation (contributed by pmjv).

                                      Added Brazilian Portuguese translation (contributed by daltux).

                                      Added Finnish translation (contributed by inz).

                                      Added French translation (contributed by Popolon).

                                      Added Russian translation (contributed by sn4il).

                                      Added Chinese translation (contributed by mistivia).

                                      Added German translation (contributed by zen and Menel).

                                      Added Greek translation (contributed by uhuru).

                                      Added Italian translation (contributed by anzu).

                                      Mastodon API: added support for /api/v1/custom_emojis (contributed by violette).

                                      Improved Undo+Follow logic (contributed by rozenglass).

                                      Reverted (temporarily) the Markdown code that converted text between underscores to italics, because it was causing more problems that what it was worth.

                                      Fixed bug in bookmark CSV import.

                                      Don't indent Twitter-like "threads" (i.e. chains of short posts from the same author that are self-replies).


                                      If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/

                                        The Real Grunfink »

                                        Hi. Yes, there was a 1.x version of ! It was a prototype written in Python that lasted less that 3 months.

                                        You're welcome!

                                          The Real Grunfink »

                                          So works great behind ... Those are great news!

                                            Stefano Marinelli »

                                            I've performed some tests, and it's great. and are working great together - now with caching of media and json responses, to scale up, and up, and up...and up!
                                            is the best tool for caching, but the setup I've tested doesn't require it and it's still good enough.
                                            I think this will be a blog post, as soon as I'll have enough time.

                                              The Real Grunfink »

                                              Hi, it's me again. By default, keeps the number of followers and following secret; you have to enable it on purpose from the "User settings..." menu (checkbox "Publish follower and following metrics").

                                                The Real Grunfink »

                                                Hi, author here. Yes, it's one thing (greeting.html) or another (the instance).

                                                  Menel »

                                                  Yeah, this is a special "per instance" feature currently. So the admins has to add it.
                                                  Would be great if it was in the default set, I agree.

                                                  I have it in my name field in #mastodon at nerdculture.de so it can definitely work in mastodon.if it is added at all. https://nerdculture.de/@menel

                                                  But it doesn't work with my current main profile with #snac but I love that I can add custom emojis there at all.

                                                    Oliver⚡ boosted

                                                    The Real Grunfink »

                                                    A week ago, I published a version of (a simple, minimalistic instance server written in C) that supported localisation of its web UI. Today, just seven days later, and thanks to collaborations, there are 10 languages already available.

                                                    You, people, are GREAT. Thank you very much.

                                                      The Real Grunfink »

                                                      The backwards process ( to Mastodon) also works without hassle, just in case.

                                                        1 ★ 0 ↺

                                                        Oliver⚡ »

                                                        @gnemmi@mastodon.sdf.org @grunfink@comam.es pull request for 🇩🇪 done 🙂

                                                          2 ★ 0 ↺

                                                          Oliver⚡ »


                                                          Thank you so much for this!!

                                                          Release Notes
                                                          New user support for blocking hashtags from the web UI.

                                                            0 ★ 0 ↺

                                                            Oliver⚡ »

                                                            I've just updated my instance to version 2.73 👍 🎉

                                                              ティージェーグレェ »

                                                              I submitted a Pull Request to update MacPorts' snac to 2.73 here:


                                                              3 out of 3 GitHub Continuous Integration checks passed already! (I guess whatever was slowing down that third one got resolved somehow?)

                                                              Thanks to you and inz for the continued improvements!

                                                              It's up to someone else with commit access to merge it.

                                                                Oliver⚡ boosted

                                                                The Real Grunfink »

                                                                I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.73 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

                                                                Added support for customizing and translating the web UI language via simple .po files. For more information on how to install language files or create new ones, please see snac(8) (the administrator manual).

                                                                New user support for blocking hashtags from the web UI.

                                                                The Content-Security-Policy HTTP header is now always sent to disable any JavaScript, instead of just being suggested in the documentation.

                                                                Image attachments in SVG format are now disabled by default; you can enable them back by setting the enable_svg value to true in server.json.

                                                                Several fixes (contributed by inz).


                                                                If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/

                                                                  Menel »

                                                                  Updated Version of the apache http caching setup for snac, including proxy media

                                                                  I already wrote about caching here
                                                                  Now I extended what I cache a bit.
                                                                  This was because after enabling Option to proxy media I've seen access to the file paths /x/ and /y/ in addition to the path were snac stores the media that I include in my own posts ( /s/ ).
                                                                  There are two locations to proxy media, depending if you requests the media via the mastodonapi or via the web. (/x/ and /y/), oh and I added the nodeinfo2 path too, because I've noticed it was queried all the time by a lot of instances and it gives me pleasure to see something cached handed out in the access logs 🙂 (I guess it is actaully irrelevant for the system resources).
                                                                  This is the updated setup:
                                                                  Enable the relevant modules:

                                                                  a2enmod expires cache cache_disk

                                                                  Be sure "htcacheclean" is running to clean up old disk cache. (under debian see /etc/default/apache-htcacheclean or else the relevant systemd service or whatever)
                                                                  Then add to the snac Virtualhost config:

                                                                  <LocationMatch "^/social/[^/]+/[xys]/|^/social/nodeinfo_2_0">
                                                                  CacheEnable disk
                                                                  Header set Cache-Control "max-age=86400, public" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} == 200"
                                                                  ExpiresActive On
                                                                  ExpiresDefault "access plus 86400 seconds"
                                                                  This will use the disk cache to cache everything under the /s/, /x/ and /y/ Path, as well as for /$username/nodeinfo20, utilizing the mod_expires to generate the appropriate cache headers (for lazy ones like me), In this case caching it for 1 day.
                                                                  Further reading and all options explained under https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/caching.html (and ff)

                                                                  The Header that I set here, on the condition of Status code 200, is needed for the path /y/, because snac defaults to set no-cache on that location and the modexpires will honor that if we don't override it. I set it to the same Cache-Control value as modexpores woud. (mod_expires will additionally calculate the date and put that in the expiresheader. (hence the name I guess 😀 )


                                                                    The Real Grunfink »

                                                                    Hi. You're right: the first fifo size number (cur[rent]) will be counting down until all outgoing messages are sent. The peak is just gossip about how long this queue has been.

                                                                    Basically, all threads work in the same way. There are four states: stopped, waiting, input or output. It's almost impossible to see the first one, as it's only set while initializing or shutting down; input is also seen rarely, unless the instance posting the data is specially slow. So they are usually waiting except while in the «send storm», when they are mostly in output mode. Anyway, even in this case, an incoming message has preference over everything, and the first available thread will serve it.

                                                                    sets up as many threads as cores are available, but being that the thread work is basically network I/O bound (there is very few CPU work to be done), you can increase the number of threads to twice or more the number of cores and performance will be slightly improved.

                                                                    Interesting photo!

                                                                      Oliver⚡ boosted

                                                                      The Real Grunfink »

                                                                      Hi. I was feeling apocalyptic the other day and programmed this bot: @eschaton@comam.es

                                                                      It gives a daily report of those asteroids with a reasonable probability of crashing into Earth, in case you are not already afraid enough of the future. Of course, using , what else.

                                                                      It takes its data from a very cool NASA site, so (again) in these days of uncertanty, I'm not sure how long will it work.

                                                                      Everyone, take care, and have a great week.

                                                                        The Real Grunfink »

                                                                        Teste de emoji personalizado [SENSITIVE CONTENT]Hi. Next stable release will disable SVG support.

                                                                        CC: @daltux@ayom.media

                                                                          sergiodj »

                                                                          I'm AFK this week until Saturday, so I won't be able to upload to Debian until then. Thanks for you patience!

                                                                            ティージェーグレェ »

                                                                            I submitted a Pull Request to update MacPorts' snac to 2.72 here:


                                                                            1 of 3 GitHub Continuous Integration checks has passed (which is a good sign the other two will pass as well).

                                                                            I'm still avoiding commit access, so it's up to someone else to merge it.

                                                                            Thanks to you, inz, lxo and anyone else I may have missed for the continued iterated improvements!

                                                                              1 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                              Oliver⚡ »

                                                                              I've just updated my instance to version 2.72 👍 🎉

                                                                                0 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                Zen 🚀 »

                                                                                I've just updated my instance to version 2.72 👍 🎉

                                                                                  Oliver⚡ boosted

                                                                                  The Real Grunfink »

                                                                                  I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.72 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

                                                                                  Each post can have more than one attachment from the web UI. The maximum number can be configured in server.json via the max_attachments value (default: 4).

                                                                                  Each notification includes a link labelled Context, that leads to a page with the full conversation tree the post is a part of.

                                                                                  Each followed hashtag has now a directly accesible link.

                                                                                  Fixed a search bug (some matches were missed).

                                                                                  Fixed more crashes (contributed by inz).

                                                                                  Fixed link detection in posts (contributed by inz).

                                                                                  Allow multiple editors for command-line posts (contributed by inz).

                                                                                  Separated maximum and default timeline entry count, allowing larger timelines to be requested without having to increase the default (contributed by lxo).

                                                                                  Turned message date into a link to the local post, so that it can be loaded into a separate tab for interacting with (contributed by lxo).

                                                                                  Special thanks to fellow developer inz for bringing my attention to code places where I should have been more careful.


                                                                                  If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/

                                                                                  This release has been inspired by the song Songe d'un ange by and .

                                                                                    The Real Grunfink »

                                                                                    I'm sorry, I'm not sure to understand. Are you trying to compile under MS Windows?

                                                                                      1 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                      Oliver⚡ »

                                                                                      I've just updated my instance to version 2.71 👍 🎉

                                                                                        The Real Grunfink »

                                                                                        I love being called "brutalist" — I may even use it in the project description 😉

                                                                                        CC: @justine@snac.smithies.me.uk

                                                                                          Justine Smithies »

                                                                                          I like the new context link in the latest git version of . It allows you to see what context the reply or like was referring too by showing the whole thread on your snac page instead of taking you to the other persons server feed.
                                                                                          Thank you @grunfink@comam.es ❤️


                                                                                            The Real Grunfink »

                                                                                            Hi, Santiago. No, itself doesn't have an account, but is totally fine to mention me.

                                                                                              The Real Grunfink »

                                                                                              I don't think is that portable. I know next to nothing about HP-UX, but snac at least needs a C99 compiler and POSIX.1-2008.

                                                                                                ティージェーグレェ »

                                                                                                I submitted a Pull Request to update MacPorts' snac to 2.71 here:


                                                                                                GitHub Continuous Integration checks are running, hopefully without issues? If so, then it will be up to someone else with commit access to merge it.

                                                                                                Thanks for your (and inz's) continued improvements to snac!

                                                                                                  Oliver⚡ boosted

                                                                                                  The Real Grunfink »

                                                                                                  I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.71 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. This is a bugfix only release. It includes the following changes:

                                                                                                  Fixed memory leak (contributed by inz).

                                                                                                  Fixed crash.


                                                                                                  If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/

                                                                                                    The Real Grunfink »

                                                                                                    Hi. I have no short term plan for adding localisation to , but it will eventually happen. Thank you very much!

                                                                                                    CC: @lxo@snac.lx.oliva.nom.br

                                                                                                      1 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                                      Oliver⚡ »

                                                                                                      I've just updated my instance to version 2.70 👍 🎉

                                                                                                        Oliver⚡ boosted

                                                                                                        The Real Grunfink »

                                                                                                        I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.70 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

                                                                                                        Notifications are now shown in a more compact way (i.e. all reactions are shown just above your post, instead of repeating the post ad nauseam for every reaction).

                                                                                                        New command-line option unmute to, well, no-longer-mute an actor.

                                                                                                        The private timeline now includes an approximate mark between new posts and "already seen" ones.

                                                                                                        Fixed a spurious 404 error in the instance root URL for some configurations.


                                                                                                        If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/

                                                                                                        This release has been inspired by the song The Answers to the Questions by and .

                                                                                                          7 ★ 5 ↺

                                                                                                          Oliver⚡ »

                                                                                                          Ich bin mittlerweile echt ein Snac2 Fan! Das Ganze hier auf dieser Domain war mal als Test gedacht, hat sich aber mittlerweile etabliert und „verselbständigt“. Einfach weil Snac super solide und unkompliziert ist und der Entwickler ein cooler Typ ist, der zuhört und mitdenkt.
                                                                                                          Meine Snac-Instanz läuft administrativ bei @knt@streams.knthost.com, weil ich keine Ahnung von grundlegenden Servereinstellungen etc. habe, aber durchaus ab und zu ein Shell-Terminal bedienen kann.
                                                                                                          Die Jungs bieten derzeit alles out-of-the-box als Betatest an:
                                                                                                          Absolute Empfehlung. Also beides. K&T und Snac 🙂

                                                                                                          I'm now a huge Snac2 fan! The whole thing here on this domain was once intended as a test, but has now established itself and “taken on a life of its own”. Simply because Snac is super solid and uncomplicated and the developer is a cool guy who listens and thinks along.
                                                                                                          My Snac instance runs administratively at @knt@streams.knthost.com, because I have no idea about basic server settings etc., but I can operate a shell terminal from time to time.
                                                                                                          The guys are currently offering everything out-of-the-box as a beta test:
                                                                                                          Absolute recommendation. So both. K&T and Snac 🙂

                                                                                                            The Real Grunfink »

                                                                                                            Hi, author here. As @stefano@bsd.cafe says, it's a common practice in ActivityPub implementations to use retry queues.

                                                                                                            Specifically, snac respond differently to 404 and 410 HTTP status messages by not retrying, because they somewhat explicitly say that a resource is no longer available; a 403 status may be a transient error related to RSA keys not being up to date, so it's requeued, and all 5xx (server) messages are also always retried, because they are usually temporarily fallen or overwhelmed servers that deserve another oportunity.

                                                                                                            CC: @stefano@bsd.cafe

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