#laufen #running #shammasandals #runalyze #coros #trailrunning
Added Spanish (default, Argentina and Uruguay) translation (contributed by gnemmi).
Added Czech translation (contributed by pmjv).
Added Brazilian Portuguese translation (contributed by daltux).
Added Finnish translation (contributed by inz).
Added French translation (contributed by Popolon).
Added Russian translation (contributed by sn4il).
Added Chinese translation (contributed by mistivia).
Added German translation (contributed by zen and Menel).
Added Greek translation (contributed by uhuru).
Added Italian translation (contributed by anzu).
Mastodon API: added support for /api/v1/custom_emojis (contributed by violette).
Improved Undo+Follow logic (contributed by rozenglass).
Reverted (temporarily) the Markdown code that converted text between underscores to italics, because it was causing more problems that what it was worth.
Fixed bug in bookmark CSV import.
Don't indent Twitter-like "threads" (i.e. chains of short posts from the same author that are self-replies).
If you find #snac useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/
Ein schöner Hard-Science-Fiction, mit leider etwas zu plakativen Charakteren (Menschen wie auch Cheela), aber die Grundidee "Leben auf einem Neutronenstern" macht wirklich Spaß zu lesen. Der Anhang ist klasse und hilfreich!
4 von 5 Sternen
You, people, are GREAT. Thank you very much.
Wessinghage: Nein, nur joggen so ganz ohne Anstrengung schaffe ich bisarchive.today link
heute nicht. Ich bleibe auch nicht am Wegesrand stehen und schnuppere
an einer Blume. Eine Weile habe ich gedacht, ich müsste mir das flotte
Laufen abgewöhnen, sehe es aber inzwischen anders: Das möchte ich
möglichst lange beibehalten, schon um mich nicht wie ein typischer
über 70-Jähriger zu verhalten.
Ich laufe ohnehin immer im oberen Intensitätsbereich, an der Grenze
zwischen Wohl- und Unbehagen.
Was das für ein Puls ist – mir völlig schnuppe.
Thank you so much for this!! #snac
Release Notes
New user support for blocking hashtags from the web UI.
Added support for customizing and translating the web UI language via simple .po
files. For more information on how to install language files or create new ones, please see snac(8)
(the administrator manual).
New user support for blocking hashtags from the web UI.
The Content-Security-Policy
HTTP header is now always sent to disable any JavaScript, instead of just being suggested in the documentation.
Image attachments in SVG format are now disabled by default; you can enable them back by setting the enable_svg
value to true
in server.json
Several fixes (contributed by inz).
If you find #snac useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/
5 von 5 Sternen