microhive.social is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.
This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.
*The Spine Race*
The winter edition of The Spine Race is currently happening in the UK amidst brutal weather condit...
*UTMB Partners with Aonijie*
UTMB today announced a 3 year global partnership with Chinese outdoor bran...
15 km Waldlauf mit ca. 250 hm. Sehr frisch heute Morgen mit ca. -5 Grad. Was letzte Woche noch Matsch war ist nun hart gefrorene Mini-Kraterlandschaft.. #trailrunning
Trail Challenge yesterday in -10°C windchill: 29 km with 1000 meters of uphill and downhill. With my strong running buddy I plead for speed traps on the climbs!!
PS @Mr_GHARice THAT is winter style! #DressCode #StyleGuide
#TrailRunning #Wien #Wienerwald #RunnersOfMastodon #Running #Laufen
Während des Laufs habe ich große Dankbarkeit empfunden. Primär hierfür:
* dass ich gesund und fit genug bin um sowas zu laufen.
* dass mein Job und Familie morgendliche Läufe möglich machen.
* dass der Galgenberg mit seinem schönen Wald und Singletrails vor der Haustür liegen.
Muss ja auch mal gesagt werden. 😍
Fantastischer Start in die Woche. 6 Runden auf dem Hausberg. Bei jeder Runde war die Sonne etwas höher und der Mond etwas weiter unten. 😍 #trailrunning
Been out for a run through the hills. Not much snow, still a bit of a wintery feel.
Machte einen Lauf über die Hügel. Es hat kaum Schnee und fühlt sich doch etwas winterlich an.
#Emmental #Switzerland #Schweiz #Laufen #Lauf #running #run #trailrunning
Running Across Recovering Sanriku: 13 Years after the Disaster
Interesting documentary, stunning scenery, and a beautiful concept for a race!
I even spotted a #sandalRunner! 🙌
Finally, after two rather unphotogenic sundays: Today's glorious #sundayRunday in four pictures. ☀️
*Life Time Adds Leadville Qualifier in Tahoe*
Life Time, fitness club operator and Lea...
Scrambling trails. Lots of climbing up and down on km 0-1 and 5-8. Hands definitely needed. Rest was single track and offtrail through the forest. Fun. Waited until the afternoon with somewhat warmer -2C and blue skies. Gorgeous sunset and the moon as well. 😊⛰️🧗♂️🐐 #trailrunning #running
🏃 Dachte erst
* der tiefe Schnee wäre ein Problem - Nope!
* der Matsch - Nope!
* die Eisflächen - Nope!
⚠️ ! Astbruch war's! ⚠️
Hab irgendwann aufgehört zu zählen, hab mich heute wohl für die falsche Laufstrecke entschieden 😅 War trotzdem schön 🕺
Das triggert mein Kälteempfinden auf einem Level wie doppelte Leerzeichen mein Typografie-Empfinden! Meine Füße haben schon Phantom-Frösteln! 🥶
Bewegungsstudie 🏃🏾♂️☺️ #trailrunning #running
Waldlauf 21 km. Plötzlich (?!) Schnee und Eis gehabt. 😜#trailrunning #running
Waldlauf. 💚 Auf Waldweg matschig, auf Asphalt sehr glatt! 🐧 #running #trailrunning
I should have brought my spikes… was too optimistic. Good training to learn to cope with technical challenges and take it easy. Never been that slow . But I also did not tumble once and survived all the downhill scrambles. ⛰️🫏
Another 534m of EG on 8km and 1:32:07
The pictures are not from today as it was dark. And I didn’t bring the phone with me. Only the head torch.
#running update - running not happening, extended rest did nothing to sort heel issues.
Just seen GP though and have been given a referral to an orthopaedic specialist for achilles tendinopathy and/or enthesopathy - progress! Just more time out sadly 😞. It’s genuinely affecting my mental health - and my eyesight believe it or not.
#runnersofmastodon #trailrunning #notrunning
Seeing a photo of a #desert in Mongolia, thinking: "It would be epic to go there running! But it's so far away …"
… *bzzt* 💡 *bing* …
Doing a quick search for "Deserts of Europe" – autumn #trailrunning holiday in the Desierto de Tabernas*? 🤔🌵🏃♂️
Ich hab die flachen Best Grip Spikes 3000B als Gesamtpaket 3020 gekauft.
Vermutlich reichen 6-8 Stück pro Sohle.
8mm Sohle solle vorhanden sein, sonst wird das nix, ist aber durch die Stollen bei den Ibex kein Problem.
Warum erfasse ich dann überhaupt Strecke und Höhenmeter? Ganz einfach: ich möchte diesen Sommer (oder so) gerne ein paar bestimmte Strecken in hügeliger Gegend laufen. Damit das klappt, braucht einfach schon ein bestimmtes Pensum. Damit ich am Ende der Woche noch weiß, was ich am Anfang der Woche gemacht habe, schreib ich das auf. 👴🏽 #running #trailrunning #minimalism
Ach ja: ich erfasse keine Zeiten. 🤷🏽♂️ #running #trailrunning #minimalism
Bisher klappt das Laufen ohne digitale Aufzeichnung ganz gut. Nach dem Lauf notiere ich grobe Strecke und Höhenmeter auf unsrem Papier-Kalender in der Küche. Die Daten weiß ich, weil ich die Strecken oft genug mit Laufuhr gelaufen bin. ☺️
Also man könnte auch eine elektronische Notiz nehmen oder ein Spreadsheet. Aber ein Stift und Papier hat auch was. 😊 #running #trailrunning #minimalism
War auch gut, dass ich Handschuhe an hatte. Gestern war es ganz schön windig und es lagen dicke Äste und kleine Bäume auf dem Trail, die ich erstmal weggeräumt habe. 👷🏽♂️#trailrunning
Schöner Lauf im sehr nassem und dunklem Wald 😍 #trailrunning
Breaking news: mozart 100 by UTMB 🤠🤭
I decided that I will visit Austria 🇦🇹 in June and take on the longest mozart 100 by UTMB challenge.
It will be totally alone. Just like my first “by UTMB” race in Croatia 🇭🇷 some almost 2 years back. I would love to bring my family … but it’s not super practical in terms of vacation days and economy. So alone it is (slightly nervous in a good way… excited is probably a better expression).
Windy would be an understatement. Though not as bad as #gudrun in 2005 on this day. #floriane #trailrunning #running
Fellow #Trailrunning community, I'm searching for a website like https://www.ahotu.com/calendar/trail-running?distanceMin=25&distanceMax=40&unit=km&boundaries=12.161865234375,53.72921671251272,1.9226074218750002,42.48019996901214&limit=200, which lets me select and filter for trail running events with a given distance, but in the West Germany region. Ahotu has a lot of results, but mostly for France and Belgium.
#MastodonLauftreff #RunnersOfMastodon
The snow storm started as announced during the night and will continue throughout the day. Temp wise it is not too bad (the northern parts of the country are down to -30, so not complaining). Just very snowy and windy. Today’s run/speed hike was saved by the Kathoola MICROspikes (the EXO model would not have worked @sebastianhahn) and the water/windproof Heatra CZone Contact gloves. #stuffthatworks #trailrunning #running
There goes another YT channel down the drain taking a sponsorship from the AG1 pyramid scam. Good, one less channel to follow and watch. More time for other things. Yes, I am pretty ruthless here.
No photos from today's grey and soggy #sundayRunday, but it was still nice to get out for a run. 😌
First "long" run after many months. My new physiotherapist gave me a Christmas present and allowed me to run again just before Christmas. After two weeks of rather short runs, I wanted to try something longer again today - successfully and pain-free! My fitness is also good thanks to many rides on the #gravelbike.
And my wife was also happy to be able to go for a run with me again.
*What The TROY (And UROY) Awards Get Wrong*
Every year the trail running world gathers to ...
Sauron trägt also Odlo.. 🤔
Backeyard (Swedish wordplay with the backyard word - backe means slope/hill) with a ~6.9km out and back course with roughly 450m of EG. So a hilly backyard distance straight through the snowy and icy offtrail forest. At several points ropes helped on the up and down parts. Did 4 yards=27.8km and 1788m of EG in 4h51min at -5C to -2C. #trailrunning #running
🏃 ☃️ ⛸️ Wenn es nicht knirscht, ist es 🐷 glatt! Aber hat richtig Bock 🕺 gemacht
Heute das erste Mal mit Selfie 😅
Was ich herausfinden will: brauche ich die Uhr, damit ich zum Laufen motiviert bin? #running #trailrunning
Also Aufzeichnung und Auswertung von Zahlen kann durchaus Sinn machen. Zum Beispiel für Lauf-Anfänger oder Menschen mit Ambitionen. Oder halt für Leute, die auf Zahlen und Statistiken stehen. Ich persönlich mache auf jeden Fall erstmal eine Pause damit und laufe einfach so im Wald rum. 😊
Eigentlich mache ich ja keine Vorsätze. Trotzdem hat sich hier über den Jahreswechsel was geändert. Meine Lauf-Posts haben keinen Screenshot aus meiner Sportuhr-App mehr. Sondern idR einfach ein Foto von unterwegs und geschätzte Zahlen.
Der Grund ist, dass ich wie in 2023 auch schon mal, aktuell meine Läufe ohne digitale Sportuhr bzw. ohne Aufzeichnung mache.
Weil irgendwie kann man ja auch ohne laufen.
https://chaos.social/@rjayasinghe/113769067314916362 #running #trailrunning
Ist das nicht gefährlich? In der Dämmerung auf der Bundesstraße?
Waldlauf ~15 km mit ~250 hm. kalt, aber noch kein Schnee.. #trailrunning #running
Garmin has some weird expectations on the longevity of their users… #trailrunning #running #garmin
Waldlauf mit David. ca 8 km und 170 hm. 🤩 #trailrunning
2024 Running Wrap Up
Had the wildest running year (again 😆). Ran 8 ultra races. Including the 100K UTMB CCC with 6K EG. And my first 100M - Kullamannen by UTMB 🇸🇪. Also my first Backyard Ultra (17 🔄). And my first 12 hour race (~100K). All wonderful formats 🤩
Also renewed most PRs on all major distances. Most proud of my sub 90 min half marathon (🤯). Couldn’t do that today 😆
Thank you 🙏🏻 for this wonderful network. So fantastic to be part of 💚
Hiermit erkläre ich die #LaufSaison 2025 offiziell für eröffnet!
The sun still exists. 🌄 First visual contact since 2 1/2 weeks ago. Also “slowest” offtrail/scramble run through Skatås/Delsjön area in the history of all running taking place there. 😜 Had to take the chance of the first frosty day in the season and do some adventure in unusual parts of the forest. #trailrunning #running
Waldlauf im Regen. 15 km mit 250 hm. #running #trailrunning
Woke up at my usual time around 0630 (still got 6h of sleep nevertheless). Enjoying lots of coffee I waited 🕚 for the stormy winds and rain to take a break around 1130 when I went out for some easy 11km/240mEG in the neighborhood. Did also my first tumble of 2025 - on the wet inclined grass meadow of the park close to home 😳😅. Wind and rain started again 30 minutes after my run 👊. #trailrunning #running
Went for 1000k goal, ended up doing
1,580km with 36,000m EG
1st year with 'real' dedication to #trailrunning concluded with my 1st trail marathon in October. (https://masto.bike/@randomized/113310251981503380)
Great support, help and advices from Fediverse #running community #runnersofmastodon
Had fun, made progress
Good year, did stuff, had fun. 🤗 Slept in a lot of high places, spent a lot of time on the ground.
#Hiking #TrailRunning #Mountains #YearInReview
Hey everyone,
Just a short note to say thank you for all your support this year, it's been really good to get fell.run up and running and to meet you all as a result of that 🙏
I sincerely wish you all the very runniest of years, no, wait, that's not right... 😆
Arrghhhh... I mean...
Lots of love to you all
- you are all amazing !!
Today it’s time for #runningwrapped2024
No need to repost my numbers. More a general reflection on how the year turned out.
Quite satisfied with my EG game and becoming a lot stronger on the “up- and downhills” over the last two years.
Even more satisfied about not having had one little niggle or a tendency towards an injury.
Highlight of the year was visiting the HQ of the mountains.social instance and @bergmeister and do the self supported run instead of the weather cancelled race.
And I am really happy about the self supported adventures I did throughout the year - here and there. And the abundant scrambling sessions.
After contemplating Rennsteiglauf for almost 20 years I finally did the classical 74km/1800m EG race in May. It was a lot of fun.
Onto more self supported longer outings and if things fall in place I might start my “long term adventure” in 2025.
The year is in the books. After reaching 144000m EG yesterday, today’s run brought me to 5678km. Nice number(s).
Went south and east into Mölndal (literally mill valley) for my run today - coming from the higher hill parts. One are is the old “Kvarnbyn” (mill village) with their 48m waterfall that used to be important for the upcoming industries between 1800 and 1900. Though the area had water powered mills since the 14th century. #trailrunning #running #mountainmonday (it is a 50m hill 😜👊)
History in English https://www.molndal.se/download/18.3f374f36172a20f311984ff8/1593699544968/kvarnbybroschyr_english.pdf
Illustrated walking map https://www.molndal.se/download/18.3f374f36172a20f311984ffb/1593699545320/kvarnbykarta_english.pdf
I did a nice 20km trailrun today. Lovely frosty winter in the upper parts of the hills. However there was one downer. I had a nasty fall at km 17. Good thing no serious injuries, some scratches and a hurting ankle and shoulder. Sigh. No run tomorrow. I should recover.
20km, 7:15/km, 570m EG
Trail run ~~ 17K ~~ 🏃🏻♂️
Goood! So now I have some ~16 kilometers left before reaching the 5000 kilometers 🤞🏼. So that (~16K) will be the distance for tomorrow - likely a little bit more just to take care of the Strava tax 😅
Shokz headphones 🎧 with me on every run; they are great. I like that they are not interfering with my ear at all. Battery life is great.
⛰️🐐 After my “nice” number (141350m EG) last week now a more “sensible” number with today’s run (20km/424mEG/2h07min):
144000m EG for the year/12000m EG per month.
Without living close to real mountains! Imagine I would…
Really satisfied and happy. 🤗
*The $600 Ultra*
I've been tracking entry fees for some of the biggest and most well-know trail races around the wor...
*RE:RUN 2024 – November*
This article is part of Electric Cable Car’s RE:RUN 2024 – The Year in Review. This...
🌲🌳⛰️🐐 A little bit of gravel pedestrian paths, some scrambling parts, a lot of technical single track trails, but mostly offtrail through the forest orienteering style. Nice to discover new “trails” and parts of Änggårdsbergen one normally do not see. Did not meet anyone (really nice), not even a moose (also nice). 320m of EG to go. 🤗 #trailrunning #running
Great fun run in the Ardennes. Solo & unsupported.
I had to make some detour because of hunting going on. Luckily I was navigating on a map, so it was easy to define the detour.
#AnyMapPuzzle (based on the classical 15-puzzle game) with several difficulty levels (from 3x3 to 6x6) and styles (watercolor, OSM and satellite imagery). You can also create a puzzle and share a link to it - Göteborg with a 5x5 gird Try this Göteborgs Stad map puzzle https://bothness.github.io/anymap/R935611?maptiles=watercolor&gridsize=5
Slightly related to #trailrunning and #running . Aren’t we all using maps and our GPS watches? Be warned, kind of addictive…
*RE:RUN 2024 – September*
This article is part of Electric Cable Car’s RE:RUN 2024 – The Year in Review. Th...
😈👹 fun with poles for 666m of EG ⛰️🐐
Only about 1000m of EG left for 144000m of EG for the year which is 12000m of EG per month. Nice.
*UTMB’s 2024 Season*
For the year end UTMB shares some numbers, figures and stories highlighting their 2024 se...
God Jul. Seems like Santa forgot one of his boots in Göteborg while climbing down chimneys and leaving presents under the Christmas trees. 🎄🎅🎁
Nice to wait until daylight (0845) and then run into the rising sun (yeah, only partly cloudy, no wind and with 3C quite pleasant conditions).
#trailrunning #running